Truck Scale Weighing Indicator R5230
Product Overview

- With OIML 6000 d Approval for Trade Applications
- Comfortable Truck Scale Functions
- Split Weighing and Axle Weighing possible
- Internal Memory for First and Second Weighing
- Summing by Vehicle, Product, Customer
- With Real Time Clock and Calendar
- LCD Display with LED Backlight, 20 mm hoch
- Internal 24-bit Converter
- Serial Interface RS232 (for Printer/PC)
- Optional Analog Output 4 … 20 mAmps
- Optional 4 Transistor Outputs
- Optional 4 Contacts for digital Inputs
- For Supply 12 … 24 VDC or 230 VAC
- Metal Housing
- Environmental Protection IP 55 (IP 65 on Request)
- Unit for Panel Mount or Desk Mount